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Art of Noticing Workshop

For Adults and Teens.

Cultivate your sense of wonder through learning to notice the world around you. By slowing down, being still, and observing nature, we have the opportunity to improve our mental well-being and find joy in the little things. In this 3-hour workshop we will not only explore nature itself, but also methods of observing and documenting our discoveries.

Join me on my family’s land for a morning of exploring a nature symphony in three parts:

  1. Beginning in the outdoor classroom, we will learn valuable questions to improve our observations, with hands-on practice at the table. I will also demonstrate six techniques to improve your phone photography and introduce a simple way you can identify your findings while contributing to scientific research at the same time!

  2. Taking these lessons to the field, we will explore the surrounding natural spaces and practice our new observation and photography skills. You will then select one or more objects for further study and return to the classroom.

  3. Selecting an object from amongst our findings, we will proceed with basic instruction in nature journaling, with the goal of documentation rather than creating art. I will present accessible methods to recording our objects using words, pictures, and numbers.

Through the practice of intentional noticing, we learn to see the world with fresh eyes. When we slow down to make observations in community, we learn to see the world through the eyes of others. Our lives are enriched through a more whole-hearted way of viewing the world around us!

This class will take place in an outdoor space at my home, 25 minutes from downtown Huntsville with contingencies for inclement weather. All necessary supplies will be provided for class. Feel free to bring a picnic lunch and stay to eat afterwards.

Register here: Art of Noticing Workshop

October 2

Art of Noticing Camp - Ages 8-12