Hi, I’m Gracie!
Named after two grandmothers, I have always been called by my nickname. I’m a self-taught artist and calligrapher from Huntsville, Alabama where I have the privilege of raising my kids on the same land where I grew up! I love to chase Light through the shadows of life, discover Beauty in broken places, and delight in the Wonder found in the ordinary. In a season of darkness and grief, art became a doorway to hope and healing as I processed the loss of a son. It continues to be a source of joy as I explore new ideas and mediums, grateful for the ways it contributes to my mental wellbeing. With nature as my muse and faith as my bedrock, I seek to brighten my corner of the world with my work.
As a late-blooming artist, I find a special joy in helping others discover their own artistic potential. I love teaching workshops on calligraphy, watercolor and nature journaling to both children and adults.
Outside of the studio, I am a mom to 4, wife of 24 years, aspiring naturalist and avid coffee drinker. I love the outdoors and can often be found hunched over in the woods taking photos of the wonders I find in Creation.