Awaken curiosity and discover new worlds as we observe and document the wonders of nature all around us. For five days we will learn how to pay closer attention, ask questions, and make connections to our everyday lives. Through this immersive experience, I hope to spark a love of learning, a fresh way of seeing, and a more wholehearted way of moving through the world.

Who: Ages 8-12

When: October 2-3

Time: 9a-12p

Cost: $75

Class size: 10

Each day will begin with a short lesson in nature study and how we can connect these skills to our everyday lives. We will then take a short hike to explore the nearby woods and find items we would like to investigate further. Returning to our outdoor classroom, we will document our findings through words, pictures, and numbers.

  • This class will be taught in an outdoor area outside my home, 25 minutes from Downtown Huntsville. In case of rain, we will move our lesson and journaling time to our deck, with space to move indoors should storms interfere.

  • All needed supplies will be included in the cost.

  • Class size will be limited to 10participants to maximize our learning.

  • Parents are welcome to stay on the premises and bring a picnic lunch to enjoy outdoors following class.

A few details…

Let me know if I can answer any questions!

About Me

Hi, I’m Gracie! I am an artist and naturalist-in-training who loves to share the beauty and wonder I find in the world all around me. My husband, four kids and two Golden Retrievers live on the same land where I grew up! We love to explore the fields and woods that surround our home. After teaching art classes for two years, I am excited to offer this class to instill a greater appreciation of nature and the ways it can positively impact the quality and experience of life.